Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Do you constantly evaluate things in your life and  realize that things feel off-key or unbalanced? Maybe you feel that you have outgrown your environment or most of the people around you. I am here to tell you that you are not alone!

I am a firm believer that life is about motivation and elevation. To be productive, you must view life realistically and understand that as you go through your journey, everyone will not go with you. This does not mean that you should turn your nose up at others or treat them poorly, it simply means that your growth needs to take you to a place where the exposure to  individuals can be ENRICHING. 

Do you have dreams and goals that you have set for yourself, yet you don't have people around you who encourage that vision. Many of us have been exactly where you are. When people around you are no longer nurturing, you must understand the reason. It is deeper than saying that people are "hating on you"! It simply may be that these people can not relate to you. 

Think of it like this. You have to understand that people can only meet you at their level. If you think of a turtle and a giraffe, they both share the same environment and eat from the same earth to obtain nourishment. The difference is that the turtle eats things on the ground while the giraffe eats things high in the trees. That turtle can not relate to what that giraffe does and absolutely has no interest. The turtle is content in his habitat and will never elevate to comprehend or understand the life of the giraffe because there is no relevance to it. 

This same concept can be applied to human beings. REMEMBER...... You can only meet people at their level.  What I mean by this is that as your vision changes and as you aspire for better things in life, there will be some people who do not share in your enthusiasm. Those people will criticize, discourage, and cause you to question EVERYTHING GOOD about who you are..... WELL, IF YOU LET THEM! It is like the turtle and the giraffe. The turtle is content in his position with no desire to elevate. Understand that you absolutely must expose yourself to the people who are in the position of where you are GOING, NOT WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE OR HAVE BEEN! Now, I realize some of you may think this statement is crude. It was not meant to be disrespectful, it is just to give pure honesty. This does not mean that you leave everyone behind, but it does mean that those who present themselves as a sore thumb or thorn in your side, are not meant to share in the excitement and accomplishments along your journey. You only are meant to bring people along who wish to ENCOURAGE!

We all know by now that life can certainly come with disappointments; and many times you can and will fail. The important thing is to continue to try new things, focus, and set forth to make all your dreams come true. Life is way too short. We have a responsibility to live life to the fullest  The last thing any person needs is to be surrounded by people who do not support their growth. ~trulytequilla~